Tuition Statement
The Tuition Statement section within a Student’s profile allows you to generate individual tuition statements quickly and easily. Whether for record-keeping, financial planning, or tax purposes, ampEducator supports both Canadian and U.S. schools in producing accurate and detailed statements.

To generate tuition statements for multiple students at once, navigate to Home / Accounts / Tuition.
Note: ampEducator does not provide tax advice or determine tax eligibility. The system generates tuition statements based on the institution’s recorded transactions, including payments allocated to tuition accounts. Institutions are responsible for ensuring that all financial data entered into ampEducator is accurate and compliant with applicable tax regulations.
Tuition statements are generated based on the institution’s recorded transactions, including payments allocated to tuition accounts. To ensure accuracy, institutions must properly record tuition payments throughout the year.
Before generating a statement, you need to configure your tax statement settings. For more details on how to do so, visit Home / Accounts / Tuition in the user guide.
To generate an individual tuition statement for a Student, click Generate Statement in the Tuition Statement section of the Student’s profile.

When the Start Tuition Statement Job modal appears, it will be prefilled with the configured settings. Review the fields and make any necessary adjustments before generating the statement. Then, press Start to begin the job and generate the tuition statement.

After starting the job, click the refresh icon in the top right corner to update the section. Your newly generated tuition statement will then appear in the list. Click the expansion (+) symbol next to the statement to view an overview of the statement.

When the Start Tuition Statement Job modal appears, the Student’s information will be displayed at the top. Below, you’ll find several fields to configure before generating the statement:
- Select Report: Choose the tuition statement year from the dropdown menu. The most recent year will appear first.
- Account Number: Displays the institution’s tax account number.
- Statement Slip Type: Select Original or Amendment depending on the type of statement being issued.
- Institution Type: Choose the classification that applies for your institution, such as Unversity, College, etc.
- Full-Time Credits: Enter the number of credits required to be considered a full-time student.
- Eligible Programs: Select one or multiple programs from the list of programs your institution offers.
- Eligible Courses: Select one or multiple courses from the list of available courses.
- Eligible Revenue: Choose the revenue account(s) to include. Typically, this is the tuition account.
- Auto Apply Payments: If there are any payments that have not been applied, this option will automatically apply them before generating the statement.
- Zero Eligible Tuition: Enable this option to generate a statement even if there is no eligible tuition recorded.
Next to each generated tuition statement, you’ll find quick action icons that allow you to manage the statement efficiently.

View Statement: Opens a modal displaying key details such as the Student’s name, ID, and email, along with the program, statement year, and type. It also includes session details like start and end months, full-time and part-time months, and eligible tuition amounts, with a total at the bottom.
Edit Statement: Allows you to modify certain fields, including the program, session dates, full-time and part-time months, and eligible tuition amounts before finalizing the statement.
Download Statement: Generates and downloads the completed tuition form for Canada (T2202) or U.S. (1098-T), based on your institution’s configured settings.

Make Statement Available: Allows the Student to access their tuition statement directly from the Student Portal.
Delete Statement: Permanently removes the tuition statement.