User Guide

T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificate Guide


This tool is designed to assist ampEducator clients in generating T2202 Tuition Statements (PDF/XML) for submission to the Canada Revenue Agency. Proper configuration and accurate financial transaction entry in ampEducator are required to ensure the accuracy of the generated statements. ampEducator Inc. is not an accounting firm and does not guarantee compliance with CRA regulations. It is the responsibility of each client to review the CRA’s official T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificate Summary and consult a certified professional accountant for compliance verification.


The Tuition Statement Reporting Tool in ampEducator allows you to generate:

  • The CRA T2202 Tuition Certificate, available for students to download as a PDF in the Student Portal.
  • The T2202 PDF forms for manual download if not using the Student Portal.
  • The XML file required for CRA submission, which includes:
    • Student T2202 slips
    • Summary T2202 slip
    • T619 Transmitter Information

Requirements for Generating the T2202 Tuition Statement

For the T2202 form and XML file to populate correctly, certain data must be set up in ampEducator:

Program and Student Information

  • If using Programs, ensure that the Program Weeks field is correctly entered, as this calculates eligible months.
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  • The Student Program Start Date and Completed Date must be correctly entered. (The Expected End Date is for reference only.)
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  • If the student is still in progress, ampEducator calculates the eligible months based on the Start Date and Program Weeks.
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Student Account Transactions

  • Tuition invoices or charges must be correctly linked to the Student's Course or Program.
  • Fee Classes must be assigned to the correct Program.
  • Tuition charges must be linked to a Tuition Revenue Account.
  • Payments must be applied to the correct charges or invoices.
  • Any adjustments must be associated with a Course or Program.
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Example of an invoice with the Program and/or Course linked, and the Tuition Revenue Account correctly assigned.
Example of an invoice with the Program and/or Course linked, and the Tuition Revenue Account correctly assigned.

Data Sources for T2202 Fields in ampEducator

Each T2202 form field in ampEducator is populated based on specific data sources. Below is a breakdown of where each piece of information is pulled from within ampEducator to ensure accuracy when generating tuition statements.

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  1. Year: Selected when generating the report.
  2. Institution Name & Address: Pulled from Institution Account / Details.
  3. Box 11 (School Type): Set when configuring the Tuition Statement Job.
  4. Box 12 (Flying School/Club): Selected if applicable.
  5. Box 14 (Student Number): Pulled from Student Profile.
  6. Box 15 (Filer Account Number): Entered during the Tuition Statement Job setup.
  7. Box 13 (Program or Course Name): Selected during job configuration.
  8. Box 19 & 20 (Session Periods): Automatically calculated from Academic Sessions.
  9. Box 21 & 22 (Number of Part-Time & Full-Time Months): Determined by Program Format (Full-Time/Part-Time) or by credit load if the student is not in a Program.
  10. Box 23 (Eligible Tuition Fees): Sum of eligible fees.
  11. Student Name & Address: Pulled from Student Profile / Details.
  12. Box 17 (Social Insurance Number - SIN): Pulled from Student Profile / Details.

Step 1: Configure the Tuition Statement Reporting Tool

Before generating T2202 statements, an Admin should configure default settings under Institution Config / Accounts / Tuition.

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  • Statement Type: Select Canada (T2202).
  • Account Number: Enter the CRA Business Number.
  • Institution Type: Select the type (University, College, etc.).
  • Full-Time Credit Threshold: Set the number of credits that qualify a student as full-time.
  • Eligible Programs/Courses: Select the ones eligible for tuition reporting.
  • Eligible Revenue Accounts: Select revenue accounts related to tuition.
  • Auto-Apply Payments: Automatically applies unapplied payments when generating tuition statements.

Step 2: Generate and Review Tuition Statement Jobs

We recommend running test Jobs first in smaller groups sorted by Program, Program Start Date (or Course), and Location (if applicable) to make it easier to review the Statements and keep things organized. Once you have verified all the Tuition Statements are correct, you can run a final Job including all the students to submit to CRA and make available for Students.

Generating a Tuition Statement Job

To begin, navigate to Home / Accounts / Tuition and click Start New Job.

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  • Student Sessions: Select the sessions within the tax year.
  • Student Locations: Select the locations for which you want to generate the tuition statements. Note: If you have multiple locations, you will need to run each location separately and edit the Filer Account Number to match the CRA Business Number for the selected location.
  • Report Type: Choose Canada (T2202) and the applicable tax year.
  • Job Name/ID: Enter a unique job name or ID for tracking.
  • Account Number: Enter the CRA Business Number for your institution.
  • Statement Slip Type: Select Original or Amendment depending on whether you are submitting for the first time or making corrections.
  • Institution Type: Select the appropriate type (University, College, etc.).
  • Full-Time Credit Threshold: Enter the number of attempted credits per session that qualifies as full-time.
  • Eligible Programs: Select the programs eligible for tuition reporting.
  • Eligible Courses: Select the courses eligible for tuition reporting.
  • Eligible Revenue Accounts: Choose the revenue accounts linked to tuition charges.
  • Auto-Apply Payments: When selected, any unapplied payments will automatically be applied to outstanding tuition charges and invoices.
  • Zero Eligible Tuition: Check this option if you wish to generate a tax form for students with zero eligible tuition in Box 26.
  • Start Job: Click Start to begin the tuition statement generation process.
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Reviewing Your Tuition Statement Job

Once the Tuition Statement Job has been generated, you should review the job to ensure accuracy before finalizing statements or generating the XML file.

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  1. Locate the Job – Navigate to Home / Accounts / Tuition, then find your Tuition Statement Job in the list.
  2. Check Job Status – The job status will display as Pending, Completed, or Error. If any errors are present, review them before proceeding.
  3. Review Completed Statements – The Completed column shows how many tuition statements were successfully generated out of the total expected.
  4. View Job Details – Click the magnifying glass icon next to the job to open the detailed job log, where you can review student statements and troubleshoot any issues.

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  5. Check for Errors – If a statement was not generated for a student, verify that:
    • The student has eligible tuition transactions linked to a program or course.
    • The required data fields (such as SIN and program details) are completed.
    • The student's payments are correctly applied to tuition charges.
  6. Regenerate if Needed – If errors are found, update the student data and generate a new Tuition Statement Job to correct any issues.

Reviewing Individual Student Tuition Statements

Once the job has been reviewed, you can verify individual student statements and make them available individually.

  1. View Student Tuition Statements – Click the Job Filter Icon under Tuition Statements and select the Job Name to display results.
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  2. Expand Student Statements – Click the (+) icon next to a student's name to view details of the statement.

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  3. Review Statement Details – Click the View Statement icon to view and verify that the amounts and eligible tuition fees are correct.
  4. Generate PDFs – Click the PDF icon to generate a PDF of the statement for individual student.
  5. Make Statement Available to Student – Click the thumbs-up icon to allow the individual Student to download their statement in the Student Portal.
  6. Set Statement as Pending – Click the thumbs-down icon if you do not want the individual Student to access the statement yet.
  7. Delete Incorrect Jobs – If a Tuition Statement Job contains incorrect data, you can delete it by clicking the X icon next to the job. This will remove the statement from the job.

Step 3: Distributing Tuition Statements to Students

Once you have confirmed that all settings are correct and have run a final job without errors, you can:

  1. Bulk Download PDFs – Download all completed tuition statements in bulk for archiving or distribution.

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  2. Make Statements Available to Students – Set the statements to 'Available' so students can download them directly from the Student Portal under Accounts / Tuition Statements.

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These steps ensure that students have access to their tuition statements for tax purposes.

Step 4: Submitting XML for CRA

Once you have finalized and reviewed all statements:

  1. Generate XML Return from Finalized Job – Navigate to Home / Accounts / Tuition, locate the finalized Tuition Statement Job from the list, and click the Generate XML Return icon next to the job.

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  2. Confirm Parameters – Review the required submission parameters such as Transmitter Type and Transmitter Number.

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  3. Download XML File – Click Generate and Download XML to create the file for CRA submission.
  4. Upload Your XML File to CRA – After generating and downloading your XML file, follow these steps to upload it to the CRA:

These steps ensure your tuition statements are successfully submitted to the CRA, fulfilling your reporting requirements.