Forms in ampEducator offer a flexible and customizable way to collect information online for creating or updating Prospects and Students. You can configure how forms are shared, accessed, and used, with options for embedding, public access, and submission settings.

Each form on the Forms list displays key details such as submission status, whether it is a Public Form, and quick action icons to Edit, Preview, Copy or Delete.
To create a new Form, click the green New Form button. Fill out the required fields in the popup window, then click Add Form.

Once created, you can edit the form by clicking on its name or the edit icon. Forms consist of five key sections: Details, Fee, Submit Details, Public Settings, and Design.

The Form Details section allows you to modify the settings configured during form creation. It includes options such as:
- Form Name & Code: Identifiers for the form.
- Description & Owner: A brief description of the form and the assigned owner.
- Access Controls: Define which roles can view or edit the form.
- Location Access: Restrict form visibility to specific locations.
- Formatting Options: Set the page size, font type, and base font size (applied only for PDF version).
- Margins: Customize the top, right, bottom, and left margins (applied only for PDF version).
- Display Options: Enable or disable features like logo visibility, page numbers, created date, and created by fields.

If you require a fee before submission:
- Enable Charge Form Fees by checking the box.
- Ensure you have an active merchant account under Institution Config / Accounts / Online Payments.
- Configure the fee details:
- Revenue Account: Assign the fee to an account.
- Fee Title & Instructions: Customize the fee section title and provide instructions.
- Fee Amount & Currency: Set the fee amount.
- Taxes: Apply any applicable taxes.
- Visual Options: Add separators or choose whether to display the fee title.

Customize how users submit the form:
- Submit Title & Instructions: Provide a title and instructions for submitting the form.
- Require Signature: Require electronic signatures with email verification. The student must electronically sign the form and validate their signature through email.
- Submit Label: Customize the text on the submit button.
- Email Copy: Automatically email a PDF copy of the form submission to the student, along with a link to review or print their submission.
- Allow Download: Enable downloading the form as a PDF.

If approval is required:
- A staff member must sign and verify the form before it is finalized.
- The approval user must have a valid email.
- Once the student submits the form, the approver receives an email with a unique approval link.
There are two user types you can choose from for approval:
- Fixed Approval: The approval request is sent to a predefined user.
- Selected When Creating: The approver is selected at the time of form creation.
For Public Form Submissions, you must select Fixed Approval since ampEducator cannot determine who should approve the form.

- New Form Added: Select the approver (if fixed) or assign one manually.
- Student Signature (if enabled): Required before approval.
- Approval Email Sent: The approver receives a link to review the form.
- Approval Verification: The approver clicks the link to verify and finalize the form.
- Student Receives Completed Form: Once approved, the student can download a copy.
By enabling the public feature, you can allow anyone to fill out the form by sharing the generated link.

When you check the Public Submissions checkbox, a URL is generated along with customization options.

On Submit:
- Do Nothing (Manually Convert): The form remains in the system, waiting for further action.
- Convert to Prospect: The system automatically converts the submission to a Prospect using the configured settings for Admissions Advisor assignment.
Integrate ID: Instead of using the default ID section, you can manually create the required fields in the form, ensuring Name, Email, and Location are included. The Location field must be of type Student Field and mapped to the Student Location field.

Add ID Separator: Adds a visual separator to the ID section.
Show ID Title: Displays a custom title for the ID section.
ID Title & Instructions: Customize the title and provide additional instructions for users.
Name Label & Email Label: Define labels for the required fields.
Name Style: Choose Single Field for a combined name entry, or First / Middle / Last Fields for separate name fields.
With Default Location: Optionally assign a default location.
Location Label: Define the label for the location field.
Available Locations: Specify which locations users can select from.
Redirect On Submit: When selected, a new field will appear where you can enter the URL to redirect users after successful submission.
Embedded Mode: Adjusts the form styling to work within an embedded environment (e.g., an iframe).
Include JavaScript: JavaScript is not required but can be added if needed.
Auto Email Response: If selected, you will be prompted to choose an existing Auto Response template and a title for the email. This email is automatically sent when a form is submitted.
Email Notification To: Specify staff members who will receive form submission notifications.
CC Notification Email: Add additional email addresses for submission notifications (one per line).
Forms in ampEducator are structured using Sections and Questions to ensure efficient data collection. Sections help organize content into meaningful categories, such as ‘Personal Information’ or ‘Program Selection.’ Within each section, you can add various types of questions to collect specific information from users. Questions can be mapped to existing Student or Prospect fields, ensuring seamless data integration.

You can fully customize the appearance and behavior of forms by adjusting question types, validation rules, and formatting settings. Users can also reorder sections and questions to optimize form flow and usability.
Sections allow you to group related questions together for better organization. To add a new section:
- Click New Section.
- Enter a Section Title and add any Instructions (optional) for users filling out this section.
- Choose one or two columns for the section layout.
- Enable or disable the following checkboxes based on your preferences:
- Display Title: Shows or hides the section title.
- Add Separator: Adds a visual separator between sections.
- With Save: Allows users to save progress within the section.
- Click Save to add the section to your form.

Questions collect specific data from users and can be customized based on required input types. When adding a new question, you will be prompted to enter the following details:
- Question: The label or prompt for the question.
- Instructions (Optional): Additional guidance for users filling out the form.
- Column: Specify whether the question appears in Column 1 or Column 2.
- Type: Choose from various question types (explained below).
- Required: Mark the question as mandatory if needed.
- Validation: Apply formatting rules such as email validation, numeric values, percentages, or URLs.
- Map to Field: Link the question to an existing Student or Prospect field for automatic population.
- Display Length: Adjust the width of the input field.
- Save: Click to add the question to the section.

Form questions in ampEducator help collect structured data from users. Some fields map directly to Student or Prospect records, while others allow freeform input or predefined selections. Selecting the right question type ensures accurate and efficient data collection.

- Student Field: Automatically maps to Student or Prospect records. The system applies the correct type, validation, and mapping.
- Text: A single-line text box for short responses (e.g., first name, email).
- Text Area: A multi-line text box for longer responses.
- Select List: A dropdown menu where users can select one option from a list (values must be comma-separated).
- Select Picker: Similar to Select List, but allows multiple selections.
- Checkbox: A single checkbox option requiring a label (e.g., 'I agree to the terms').
- Radio: A group of radio buttons where users can select only one option (values must be comma-separated).
- Date: Inserts a calendar picker for date selection (format: YYYY-MM-DD).
- Time: Inserts a time picker (format: HH:MM:SS).
- Attachment: Allows users to upload files.
AmpEducator provides several tools to refine and review your form before it is finalized. You can easily adjust the structure, reorder sections and questions, and preview or download the form to ensure it appears as expected.
Click the up and down arrows to reorder sections and questions as needed.

Click the Preview Form button at any time to see how your form will appear (note: signature sections will not be displayed in preview mode).
Use the Download PDF option to view a full version of your form, including signature sections.

To view all Public Form Submissions for a form, click on the Public Submissions tab next to Edit Form.

Each time the Public URL is clicked, a new form submission is created and tracked in the Public Submissions tab. You can review submission details, track their status, and manage conversions.
- Submissions start as In Progress and update to Complete when submitted.
- Payment status (if applicable) is recorded.
- Forms can be converted into a Prospect or Student record.
- Clicking the magnifying glass icon allows you to review submission details.
If a form is converted before completion, it remains available in the Prospect or Student Forms tab for the user to finish. Deleting submissions should only be done when they are no longer needed.
To convert a Public Form Submission to a Prospect, click the Convert Submission icon next to the submission.

The fields requested on your form will be automatically filled. Simply select Prospect from the Convert to dropdown menu.
Additional options include:
- Override Default Admissions Advisor: Choose a different advisor if needed.
- Populate From Submission: Enable this option to automatically transfer all mapped fields from the form to the Prospect record.

The process for converting a submission to a Student is the same as for a Prospect. Click the Convert icon next to the submission. When you select Student from the Convert to dropdown menu, additional fields will appear:
- Student ID: Enter manually or click the magic wand to auto-generate an ID based on ID settings.
- Advisor: Select an advisor or leave as None if not applicable.
- Status: Choose the student's status (e.g., Active) from the custom list.
- Location Access: Assign access to one or multiple locations.
- Populate From Submission: If enabled, all mapped fields from the form will transfer to the Student record.
- Click Convert to finalize the process.

The system will confirm success and return you to the list. You can then access the new Student record by clicking the Student Name in the submission list or searching for them in the Students section.
You can export form submissions to a CSV file for further analysis or record-keeping.
- Select the submissions you want to export.
- Click on the More Actions dropdown menu.
- Choose Export Selected Submissions to CSV.
The file will be automatically downloaded to your computer, containing all the submission data.