Groups in ampEducator provide a powerful way to streamline communication and organization. While they help keep information neatly categorized, their most valuable function is enabling you to send bulk emails, text messages or event invites to group members with ease. You can include both prospects and students in a single group if needed, or limit membership to just one category.

To create a new group, start by navigating to the Home / Groups. Once there, click Add Group to open the group creation form. Enter a name and description for your group, and then set the desired access levels. You can choose which user roles have read-only access and which can read and update. Next, specify the locations this group will have access to, selecting as many as needed. When everything is ready, click Add Group to save your changes.

Your new group will now appear in the Groups section. From here, you can click on the group to view or edit its details, including its name, description, access settings, and assigned locations.

Additionally, you’ll find sections for emails, events, and SMS, allowing you to communicate with the group or invite members to upcoming activities.
Adding Individual Students
To add a single member to a group, navigate to the group’s Members section. Click on the green 'Add Member' button. You’ll be able to specify the individual’s name and add them to the group.

There’s also an option to send invitations for scheduled events that haven’t yet occurred. When you add a member to a group, you can choose to notify them about any upcoming events linked to that group.

Adding Multiple Students
For adding multiple students at once, go to the Students section of the platform. Use the search bar or filters to find the students you wish to add. Once you’ve located them, select their names by checking the boxes next to each student. You can also choose to select all students displayed in your current search results. Then, click More Actions, select Add To Group.

Use the dropdown menu to select the Group you want to add the students to, or create a new Group if needed. Before confirming, you can opt to send invitations to any upcoming events associated with the Group. Once you’re ready, click Add to complete the process and include all selected students in the Group.

To remove students from a group, you can either delete them individually or in bulk. Start by navigting the to Members section of the group.
Individually: Next to the student’s name, click the X icon to remove them from the group.

In Bulk: Select the checkboxes next to the students you wish to remove. Then, open the More Actions dropdown menu and select Remove to delete them all at once.

In the Emails section of the Group, click Create New Email. The email will appear in the Emails list. Click the Edit icon to open the Edit Email popup, where you can craft your message, include images, attachments, or templates, and use the Merge Text button to add personalized fields.
You can save the email as a draft, preview it by sending a test version, or click Send to distribute it to the group. To monitor progress, refresh the page or check the User Jobs section.
In the SMS section of the group, click New SMS to create a new message. Select the Edit icon to open the Edit SMS popup, where you can compose your message, choose a template, or use the 'Merge Text' feature for personalization.
If you’d like to preview the message, enter a mobile number and click Send Preview. Once satisfied, click Save and then Close. Finally, click the Send SMS icon to send the text to all group members. Track the delivery status by refreshing the page.
In the Events section of the Group, click New Event to open the New Group Event popup. Fill in the event details and check the Calendar Event box if you want the invitation emails to include a calendar attachment. Use the Notify RSVP User dropdown to select one or more people who should receive notifications when attendees respond.
Customize your invitation using the formatting tools—add images, links, merge text, or templates as needed. When ready, click Add Event to save. The new event will appear in the Events section. You can make any necessary edits before sending invitations.
To send invitations, click the Send Invitations icon next to the event. Click the Refresh button to confirm the invitations have been sent. You can track RSVP responses and update attendance records after the event.

Once you’ve invited members to a group event, you can check the status of the event and invitations by clicking the View Event (magnifying glass) icon. This will display details of the event and the status of the email invitations.

When you view an event, you’ll see basic details like the group, event title, date, time, and event owner. You’ll also find information on how many attendees were invited, how many RSVPed, and who is set to be notified of RSVP responses. You can also update attendance after the event, which will be reflected in these details. Additionally, a log underneath shows whether all emails were sent successfully and if there were any errors.

When you click the + (expand) icon next to the event title, you’ll see a detailed list of all invited students along with their invitation statuses. This includes a quick view of each individual’s status, the invitation status, the email delivery status, and their RSVP response.

To the right of each student’s name, you’ll notice three icons:
Edit Attendee: View details student details, invitation status, send date, and whether the invite was viewed (and how many times), or bounced. You can also update their RSVP and attendance status, and add notes.

Send Invitation: Resend a student's invitation.
View Invitation Email: Preview the invitation email and see a log of its delivery status.

After the event has concluded, return to the events list and expand the relevant entry. Here, you’ll see a list of all attendees. For each attendee, simply click the checkmark to mark them as attended, or the X to mark them as absent. This allows you to quickly update attendance records without needing to open each student’s profile.