User Guide
Student Accounts


The Funding section within a Student’s profile provides a detailed overview of all funding activity, including grants, scholarships, and other financial aid. This allows you to track allocated funds, payments received, and any remaining balances at a glance.

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Adding New Funding

To add new funding for a Student, click New Funding.

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This will open a New Funding modal. From here, select the funding source from the list of preconfigured options, enter the due date, description, specify the amount, and include any optional notes. Once all details are entered, click Add to save the funding entry.

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After adding the funding, it will appear as pending. This step is simply documenting the expected funding. Once the funds are received, or if they have already been collected, you must process a payment and select the funding source to apply it properly (discussed below).

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Processing Funding Payments

Once funding has been documented, you need to process a payment to apply the funds to the Student’s account.To do this, go to the Payments section and click New Payment.

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In the New Account Payment modal, select the funding source from the Funding Source dropdown menu. Enter the payment amount, date, and any necessary details, then proceed with the payment.

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Once processed, the funding status will update, and the payment will be applied to the Student’s balance.

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Funding Quick Actions

Next to each funding entry, there are quick action icons that allow you to manage funding details easily:

  • View Funding – Opens a detailed breakdown of the funding entry.
  • Edit Funding – Modify the funding details, such as the amount, description, or due date.
  • Delete Funding – Removes the funding entry from the Student’s profile.
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These shortcuts make it easy to review, update, or remove funding as needed.

Configuring New Funding Sources

To set up and manage funding sources, navigate to User Name / Institution Config / Accounts / Funding. Here, you can create and customize funding sources such as grants, scholarships, bursaries, or other financial aid options that can be applied to Student accounts.

To add a new funding source, click the green New Funding Source button.

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In the New Funding Source modal, enter the required details:

  • Funding Source Code – A unique identifier for the funding source.
  • Source – The name or description of the funding source.

Then press Add to add your new funding source.

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Once added, the new funding source will appear in the Funding List and be available for selection when adding funding to a Student’s profile. You can also edit or delete existing funding sources at any time using the quick action icons next to each entry.

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Video Walkthrough: Configuring New Funding Sources