Programs Overview
Programs in ampEducator represent structured educational pathways that guide Students toward earning credentials like diplomas or certificates. A Program consists of a series of Courses that Students must complete to meet the required qualifications. Programs help track Student progress and provide a clear path toward graduation or certification.

In ampEducator, Programs do not have specific start and end dates. Since Programs often consist of multiple courses and can span several years, the length of the Program is determined by how long it takes the Student to complete the required courses. The Program itself doesn’t have a fixed duration—rather, it depends on the individual Student’s pace in completing the courses.
In ampEducator, Programs don’t have specific start and end dates, but you can set Program Intakes for Academic Sessions. These define when Students can begin their Programs and group them into cohorts. For example, you might have a 'Summer Intake' or a 'Summer Intake for ABC Program' for a particular Program.
When enrolling Students, you can assign them to a specific Program Intake, helping to organize them based on their start date. Later, you can filter Students by Program Intake to easily manage actions like enrolling them in courses or creating groups.
To set up Program Intakes, go to Institution Config / Academic Session / Program Intakes.

When a Program is no longer being offered, you can mark it as Inactive. Inactive Programs are still stored in the system for historical purposes, but they are no longer displayed to Staff unless an Admin reactivates them.