Program Details
ampEducator provides a variety of customization options for your Programs, allowing you to tailor every aspect to your institution's specific needs. From defining Program details and adding custom fields, to managing compliance requirements and setting up fees, you have full control. The platform also allows you to organize and track Program components, manage Student enrollment, record grades, and communicate through announcements. With these flexible customization features, you can ensure that each Program aligns perfectly with your institution's requirements and processes.
The Details section of a Program in ampEducator allows you to set key information, such as academic and attendance thresholds, passing marks, program format, duration, total credits, and the credential awarded upon completion. You can also add custom fields, which will appear in this section, allowing for additional tailored data.
The Program Identifier field is optional but can be used for KPI performance indication or compliance reporting for registered programs. If your institution requires KPI reporting, please contact [email protected] to enable this feature.

In ampEducator, you can create custom fields for Program details under Institution Config / Programs / Custom. These fields can be used to capture specific information relevant to your institution, and you have the flexibility to choose from various field types, such as text, text area, select list, checkbox, radio buttons, or date.

These custom fields will then appear in the Program details and can be filled out as needed. This feature allows for complete customization, tailoring the data to your institution's requirements.
Additionally, these custom fields will be available for use in Templates, Prospect/Student Letters, and Contracts Rich Text Fields, making it easy to incorporate personalized information into your communications and documents.
The Compliance section ensures your institution meets the regulatory requirements for registered programs. This section will only appear if you request ampEducator to enable it, and it is currently available for institutions in Ontario and British Columbia. If your institution operates in these regions, this feature helps you capture and report the necessary compliance data for registered programs.

In ampEducator, Program Components are essential building blocks that help define the structure of a Program. A Program is typically made up of one or more components, which organize the Courses required to complete the Program and earn its credential.
Each Program Component groups related Courses together, and each Course within a Component is assigned a certain number of required credits. By organizing Courses into components, ampEducator allows you to track progress, ensure Students meet the necessary requirements, and ultimately determine eligibility for the Program's credential.
Program 100 Example:

In Program 100, all courses are mandatory, and the program consists of three required courses. Each course is worth 1 credit, adding up to a total of 3 credits needed to complete the program. This example illustrates a Program with fixed courses, where the Student must complete all mandatory courses to fulfill the Program requirements.
Program 200 Example:

In Program 200, there are three mandatory courses, each worth 1 credit, and three elective courses, each also worth 1 credit. To meet the Program’s credit requirements, Students must complete all three mandatory courses and choose one elective course. This setup allows flexibility, as Students can select from multiple elective options, but only one needs to be completed to fulfill the Program's requirements.
This structure helps to clearly define which Courses are essential to the Program, and which ones are optional, ensuring that all Students can progress according to the Program’s requirements.
In the Fees section, you can add fees specific to each Program. If your institution has different fee classes, such as Domestic and International, you can set up separate fees for each class. This allows you to manage and track different fee structures based on the type of student or Program.
To add a fee, click New Program Fee to create a new fee for a specific class. If you want to add a new fee to an existing fee class, simply click the + icon beside the fee class to add the fee for that class.

The Students section of a Program provides an overview of all students enrolled in that Program. For each student, you can view key details such as their starting session, status, attendance, hours completed, attendance percentage, final percentage, credits earned, and academic standing. This snapshot gives you a quick view of each student's progress within the Program.

You can use the filter button to narrow down the list of students. This allows you to quickly identify students who are eligible for completion, need additional support, or meet other specific criteria.
Alternatively, you can click on the 'Audit Program' (magnifying) icon next to a student’s name to see a detailed breakdown of their progress and performance. This provides a more in-depth look at each student's journey within the Program.

The Grades section of a Program provides visual graphs showing grade distribution in both percentage and GPA formats. These graphs give you a quick overview of how students are performing in the Program, helping you spot trends and areas for improvement.
You can filter the data by Sessions, Locations, or Student Status to focus on specific groups of students. This makes it easy to analyze performance based on different criteria, allowing for more targeted insights into student progress.

In the Announcements section of a Program, you can create announcements that appear on the Student Portal home dashboard. Simply press New Announcement to create one. You can also send notifications that will email students about the announcement, ensuring important updates reach them both in the portal and directly in their inbox.
You can control when announcements are visible by setting start and end dates, and pin important announcements to keep them at the top of the list. Notifications are sent on the announcement date, ensuring timely communication. This functionality helps keep students informed and engaged with relevant Program updates.