The Activity tab within Accounts provides a detailed list of financial transactions within the institution. Each entry includes the date, Student, type of transaction (such as charge, invoice, payment, adjustment, or refund), reference number, description, and amount.

Next to each transaction, quick action icons allow you to perform relevant tasks depending on the type of activity. These options may include viewing, editing, emailing, downloading, or deleting a transaction. Additionally, clicking on a Student's name will redirect you to their profile for quick access to their account details.
From this tab, you can also process new transactions. Click the New Payment button to make a payment, or use the More Actions button to select options for making a New Charge, Adjustment, or Refund.
To make navigation easier, use the toolbar on the top right to search, filter and export data to a PDF, CSV, or XML file for reporting and record-keeping.

This section gives you a clear and organized way to track and manage financial activities in real time.