Once you’ve set up evaluations in ampEducator, you can integrate them into your courses through the LMS. This section allows you to configure criteria, enable attendance tracking, and ensure evaluations are aligned with your grading schema. By managing these settings, you maintain consistency and accuracy in the assessment process.

Before you can add evaluations to a course, you must first create them under Home / Evaluations. This process involves designing the evaluation criteria and structure, which will then be stored in your Evaluations list.
For detailed instructions on setting up evaluations, refer to Evaluations in the Home section of this User Guide.
To add an Evaluation to a course, you first need to create the evaluation under Home / Evaluations. Once that's done, go to the Grading Schema of the course and add the evaluation there.
When adding the evaluation, you'll define important details such as the grading type, weight, and passing mark. You’ll also have the option to decide whether the evaluation should be visible to students in the Student Portal. This ensures that the evaluation is seamlessly integrated into the course's grading and attendance system, streamlining the process for both instructors and students.
To grade an Evaluation, navigate to the Gradebook within the course. Select the Evaluation you wish to grade, and click on the 'Edit Student Evaluation' icon under the student’s gradebox.
You’ll be able to fill in the necessary fields based on the Evaluation design, which may include assigning grades, entering comments, or selecting predefined options. If attendance is linked to the Evaluation, you'll be prompted to fill in attendance details, which will automatically reflect in the student’s attendance records.
Once completed, click ‘Save’ to finalize the grades. The final Evaluation mark, calculated based on the weighted grading criteria, will be displayed in the Gradebook.
To reset an evaluation for a student, go to the LMS Tab and navigate to the Evaluations section. Once you expand the evaluation, you'll see a list of enrolled students. Next to each student’s name, there is a Reset Evaluation icon. Clicking this icon will clear all data entered for that student’s evaluation, allowing you to start over as if the evaluation had not been completed yet. This feature is useful if there were issues with the initial submission or if you need to reset the evaluation for any other reason.

You can view the grade distribution for any type of assessment through the Grading Schema. To do so, simply click on the View Grade Distribution icon next to the assessment item. This will display a percentage distribution graph, along with statistics and the percentage range for the grades, giving you a clear overview of how students performed on the assessment.