User Guide
Student Accounts


Invoices Overview

Invoices provide a record of all charges billed to Students, including tuition, fees, and other payments. They help track outstanding balances, payments received, and overdue amounts, ensuring clear financial management.

Within the Invoices section, you can view a complete list of all invoices for an individual student, both paid and pending. This allows for easy tracking of student billing and payment status at a glance.

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Creating a New Invoice

To create a new invoice, click the green New Invoice button.

This will open a new Invoice modal, where you can enter and customize the necessary details before finalizing the invoice.

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Manually Adding Items to an Invoice

You can manually add items by clicking the Add Item (+) icon.

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Once clicked, you'll be prompted to enter the Description, Rate, Quantity, and Taxes, which will automatically calculate the total for each line item when you confirm. You can also select the appropriate account for tax purposes and associate the item with any relevant programs, courses, or sessions.

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Once you're done, click the Save Item arrow icon to add the item to the invoice. You can then continue adding more items by clicking the Add Item (+) icon as needed.

Adding Predefined Fees to an Invoice

If you've configured any fees, you can select them from the dropdown menu on the right.

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This will auto-fill the information based on your preconfigured fees in ampEducator. Preconfigured fees can include multiple line items, making invoice creation faster and more efficient when set up in advance.

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Adding Discounts to Invoices

You can add discounts to Invoices by clicking on the 'Add New Discount' button within a new invoice.

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Enter the discount name and amount, then choose the appropriate sales discount account (configured under Institution Config / Accounts / Accounts). There is also the option to use the auto-calculation button to input the discount percentage, and it will automatically calculate the discount amount for you. Press Save Discount to save the discount to the invoice.

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Bill Organization Option

If an employer or organization is responsible for a Student’s invoice, you can select them as the payer when creating the invoice. To do this, check 'Yes' next to Bill Organization, then choose the organization from the list of those you’ve configured.

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To add a new organization, navigate to Home / Organizations, or learn more about Home / Organizations in the User Guide.

Associating an Agent with an Invoice

Associating an agent with an invoice in ampEducator serves two key functions:

  • Reporting: It enables you to track which invoices are linked to specific agencies, making it easier to calculate the total revenue generated by each agency.
  • Agent Access: By associating an invoice with an agent, they gain access to view the invoice in their portal, allowing them to review or process payments directly.

Note: Students will not see any agent or commission details on their invoice.

Adding an Agent to an Invoice

To associate an agent with an invoice, click the Edit icon next to the Agent field. This will allow you to select the agent you want to associate with the invoice. Once the invoice is associated with an agent, it will appear in the agent's portal for them to view.

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Deducting Commission from Payment

When associating an agent with an invoice, you can choose to deduct commission from the payment. If selected, the agency will pay the school the invoice amount minus the agent’s commission. For example, if the invoice is $10,000 and the agent's commission is set to 10% ($1,000), the agency will pay $9,000 to the school and retain the $1,000 commission.

If "Deduct From Payment" is not selected, the school will receive the full $10,000, and the agency will be owed $1,000 for their commission. This amount will need to be paid separately.

Adding Commissions to an Invoice

When you associate an agent with an invoice, a new Agent Commissions section will appear at the bottom of the invoice.

To add a commission, click the Add (+) Icon, and the pre-configured commission will be automatically added. If you need to make any adjustments, click the edit icon next to the commission item to update the details. Press the Save icon when you’re finished.

Note: This section is visible only to the school and agency and will not appear to students.

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Posting an Invoice

Once you’ve entered all the details of your invoice and clicked Save, the invoice will appear in the Invoices List as a draft. This allows you to review and finalize the invoice to ensure everything is correct before making it official.

To post the invoice, simply click on the Post Invoice icon. Once posted, the invoice status will change to Pending, and will be available in the Student Portal for the student to view.

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Invoice Quick Actions

Once you post a draft, its status will change from Draft to Pending, and you’ll notice new quick action icons available:

  • New Payment: Allows you to make a payment towards the individual invoice.
  • View Invoice: Lets you view the full details of the invoice.
  • Edit Invoice: Gives you the option to make any changes or adjustments to the invoice if needed.
  • Email Invoice: Allows you to send the invoice directly to the recipient via email. This is especially useful for Prospects who do not have access to the Student Portal yet.
  • Download Invoice: Provides the option to download the invoice as a PDF.
  • Delete Invoice: Enables you to remove the invoice if needed.
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Invoice History

When viewing an invoice, the History Off and History On options are available at the top right. With History Off, you'll see all current payments associated with the invoice. When you switch to History On, it reveals any deleted payments, giving you a full view of the invoice's payment history, including those that were removed. This feature is useful for tracking changes and maintaining a clear record of any adjustments made to the invoice, ensuring transparency in the payment process.

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