Student Profile
The Student Profile in ampEducator is divided into four main subsections: Profile, Academics, Accounts, and Communications. Each section contains various functions you may or may not use, depending on your needs. If you are working with Prospects, any data collected in their Prospect record will carry over to the Student Profile once their Status is changed to Enrolled. Although you can still search for the Prospect after enrollment, clicking on their name will take you to their Student Profile.
Students can be assigned a primary location but can also be granted access to multiple locations, which is useful when they attend courses at different locations. If you're enrolling a student in a course or program outside their primary location, you’ll need to grant them access to that additional location first.
You can assign Student Advisors and Agents to students, provided that they have the same location access as the student. You’ll find the options for assigning Student Advisors and Agents under the Admin tab in the Student Profile. If the student was enrolled from a Prospect, any Admissions Advisors assigned during that process will also be visible for reference. To assign an Agent, ensure they have been added to the system with the appropriate role.
After adding a new student, you can further enhance their profile by entering more detailed information. The profile begins with the basics like name, contact information, and personal details. But there are also sections where you can add education history, emergency contacts, and employer details.
Note: If you need to capture information not covered by the default fields, custom fields can be created, and we'll discuss how to add and manage them next.
In addition to the fixed fields in Student Profiles, ampEducator enables you to create Custom Fields. Since Prospects and Students share the same table in the ampEducator database, any Custom Fields you add for Students will also be visible in the Prospects section.
If a fixed or custom field isn’t necessary, you can simply add a note for the Student in their Profile. Note revisions can be viewed by expanding the + icon.

ampEducator includes a built-in checkbox for tracking International Students, which can be found in the "Admin" section of the Student Profile. Additionally, if your institution charges different fees for international students, you can create and assign an International Student fee class when creating your courses and programs.

ampEducator allows you to create custom student statuses, in addition to the fixed ones, tailored to your institution's needs. Once a status is added, it cannot be deleted to maintain status integrity. If a mistake is made, an Admin user can contact [email protected] or start a ticket to have it removed.