Program Summary Tab
In the Program Summary tab, you'll find two sections that offer valuable insights into the enrollment and course planning for your Program. Both sections allow you to filter the data, making it easier to focus on specific details, and you can also export the information for reporting or additional review.

The Program Enrollment Overview provides a snapshot of the students who have taken or are currently enrolled in the Program. This section gives you an overview of student enrollment status and progress, helping you track the number of students who have started, completed, or withdrawn from the Program. It’s an essential tool for managing student progress and identifying any potential gaps in enrollment or completion.

The Anticipated Program Courses section helps you plan for the courses students still need to take to complete the Program. It reviews each student’s progress, looking at the courses they've already completed, and generates a list of remaining courses. This feature not only ensures students stay on track but also helps you anticipate which courses might be in high or low demand, allowing for better resource and scheduling management.