If you plan to use the communication tools in ampEducator, it's essential to collect consent from your students. You can manage this in the Student Profile under the Admin section. If a student is not opted in, ampEducator will not send any emails or SMS messages to them.
To opt in a student, you have two options: you can either manually opt them in or send them an Opt-In email.
If you find that a student isn’t receiving your emails (and they haven’t gone to their junk or spam folder), it’s likely they’ve accidentally unsubscribed or their Opt-In status hasn’t been set correctly in their profile.
Note: A best practice is to collect Opt-In consent automatically when a student is added to ampEducator via a web form. You can do this by including a checkbox field named "Opt In" set to "True" on your web form. If you’d like more information on implementing this feature, please reach out to us at [email protected] or start a ticket.
Groups are a useful productivity tool in ampEducator that allow you to select and group students based on filters you apply. You can create and add as many groups as you like, and within these groups, you can send bulk emails and SMS. Additionally, you can create events specifically for groups. Both Prospects and Students can occupy the same group.
If you already have templates, you can transfer them into ampEducator, or you can create new ones directly within the system. Templates are available for emails, letters, and SMS, and can also be assigned as auto-responses in other areas, like Forms. Simply copy and paste existing templates or design new ones, adding data merge fields for personalization where needed.
To use a template, first configure it under Home / Templates. Once created, you can customize the text and use it to send an email, generate a letter, or send an SMS. For email templates, you can also add attachments in advance, saving time when you’re ready to send.
You can send individual emails by going to the Student Profile and navigating to the Communications tab. Here, you can write an email, use a template you’ve created, or attach a letter. You can also send bulk emails to multiple students using Groups.
By default, ampEducator will send emails using the email address assigned to your user account. All emails sent from ampEducator are tracked, including responses. If you prefer to use your own email address, you’ll need to configure that first; reach out to [email protected] or start a ticket if you need assistance.
In ampEducator, you can create letters for students from scratch or by using templates, much like emails. Templates are especially helpful for frequently sent letters, as they allow you to auto-populate fields like name, Student ID, and program using the merge text feature. Once your letter is complete, you can save it as a PDF in the student’s documents or download it directly—just use the icons to the right of the letter.
ampEducator lets you send SMS (text) messages directly to students, including the option to send bulk texts using the Groups feature. Once SMS is configured, you can text any student with a mobile number and country code in their profile. Replies from students will go to the assigned Student Advisor as an email notification, making it easy to track conversations.
For an overview of SMS interactions, you can view all messages with a specific student in their Student Profile under Communications / SMS. To see all SMS exchanges with all students and prospects, go to Communications Tools / SMS in the main navigation bar.
Note: To send SMS messages, you must configure your SMS settings in Institution Configuration. Watch the video below for instructions on how to do so. If you require assistance, please contact [email protected] or start a ticket.
In ampEducator, Events are a way to manage and track important activities related to a Student, such as a to-do, meeting, or phone call (in or out). Each Event requires at least a date to be added, helping you organize interactions and follow-ups effectively. When creating an Event for a Student, you can assign it to the Student's current Advisor or any other relevant staff member. The assigned staff will see the Event added to their agenda, and if a new Advisor is assigned to the Student, existing Events will transfer to the new Advisor’s calendar.
If you’re creating an Event for multiple Students, you can use the Groups feature to notify all Students or Prospects within a group you’ve created.
To view and manage all Events, navigate to Communications Tools / Calendar, where every scheduled Event is displayed in one place. Admin users can see their own Events by default, but also have the option to view the Events of up to five additional staff members by adjusting the filters.