Editing Contract Details
To edit and customize a contract go to Home / Contracts and click the Contract name or the edit icon next to it to open the Contract Details.
To edit and customize a Contract, go to Home / Contracts and click the contract name or the pencil icon next to it to open the Contract Details. In this section, you can update various fields such as the Contract name, description, access settings, page size, title, logo, and more.

Once you've made the necessary changes, click Preview or Download as PDF to see how the Contract will look. Please note that the Preview may look slightly different from the final PDF due to the conversion process.

You can personalize the appearance of your Contracts by adding a PDF template or displaying your school logo.
To use a PDF template, start by uploading the desired file in Institution Config / PDF Templates / Add PDF Template.

Once added, navigate to the Details section of your Contract, find the PDF Template dropdown menu, and select your template from the list.

You will likely need to adjust the margin settings and review the downloaded Contract to ensure the template fits correctly.
Sample of Contract with PDF Template:

To display your school logo, ensure it’s already set in Institution Account / Branding. Then, simply check the Show Logo box in the Contract details. The logo will appear at the top left corner of your Contract.

Sample of Contract with Logo: