Note: Before enrolling students in a course, ensure that the course is properly configured and available for the student's location. For instructions on configuring courses, please refer to the main Courses section of the guide.
You can enroll a Student in a course in two ways:
• Individually: Go to the Student Profile and use the "Courses" section to assign a course to a single Student. • Bulk Enrollment: Use the "More Actions" menu to enroll multiple Students at once.
If a Student has already met the course requirements, you can mark the course as 'Advanced Standing.' Unlike Transfer Credits (discussed later in this article) which are formal and appear in a separate section of the Transcript Generator with prior institution information, Advanced Standing courses will show alongside the Student's other courses.
Note: If you don’t see the expected Courses listed, check that the Student’s Location matches the Course Location, as locations must be the same for both.
There are three ways to mark a Student as completed in a course.
- From the Student Academics / Courses section, click the checkmark next to the course to select a completion date.
- You can also complete a Student directly from the Course / Students tab.
- The third option is to complete all enrolled Students at once by selecting 'Complete Course' under Course Details / Status.
You can withdraw (or delete) a Student from a course by clicking the 'X' next to the Course name. Similar to withdrawing from a Program, you can choose to permanently delete the Student by selecting the 'Delete Course Record' option under Withdraw Type.
Students can be assigned Transfer Credits from other institutions within the Academics section of their Student Profile. When adding a Transfer Credit, you'll select the course to apply the credit to, either from the Course Template list or by manually entering the course details. Once added, the course will appear in the list and can be shown on the Student's final transcript if desired.