User Guide

Admissions Advisors and Round Robin Assignment

Assigning Admission Advisors

In ampEducator, Admissions Advisors can be assigned to Prospects either manually or automatically, depending on your institution's preferences. When assigning Advisors manually, an Admin can choose an Advisor for each Prospect, ensuring that the Advisor shares the same location access with the Prospect.

If the Round Robin feature is not set up, all Prospects will be automatically assigned to the default Admissions Advisor. This ensures that no Prospect is left without an assigned Advisor.

Configuring Round Robin Assignment

Round Robin assignment allows you to automatically distribute Prospects to Admissions Advisors based on pre-set filters. This feature ensures an even and fair distribution of Prospects. For example, you can create pools of Advisors and set filters, such as Program of Interest or Country of Origin, to automatically assign Prospects to the appropriate Admissions Advisor.

Once configured, the system will automatically assign Prospects to Advisors according to the filters you’ve set, making the process more efficient and reducing manual assignments.