User Guide

Activity, Notes, and Events

Viewing and Adding Prospect Activity

Viewing prospect activity in ampEducator is simple. Just click the + icon next to a Prospect’s name to expand the Activity Feed, where you can see all actions related to that Prospect, organized by date. From here, you can easily track important activities like events, status changes, emails, and more. Plus, you can add new activity and even change Lead Stages right from this view, making it easy to stay updated and engaged with your prospects.

Adding Prospect Notes

You can add notes to Prospects through the Activity Feed for quick reference on information you want to remember, without needing a scheduled event or follow-up action. However, if you require a follow-up or a specific action to be taken, it's best to create an event, which will be discussed next. 

Adding Prospect Events

Events in ampEducator are a valuable tool for managing interactions with Prospects. You can choose from various event types, including meetings, phone calls (incoming or outgoing), and to-do tasks, to suit your needs. These events can be assigned to any Admissions Advisor or User with role access, ensuring everyone is on the same page. Assigned users can easily view their events in the Agenda section on their dashboard or on their calendar. After completing an event, users can update the outcome and choose to schedule a follow-up event.

Adding Group Events

Groups are a powerful productivity tool in ampEducator that let you select and organize students based on custom filters. You can create and add as many groups as needed by navigating to Home / Groups / Add Group. Within these groups, you can schedule events tailored to the group’s needs, helping you manage activities more efficiently. While you can also send bulk emails and SMS text messages to groups, the Events feature offers a streamlined way to coordinate and track important group-specific activities.

Viewing All Prospect Events

To view all your Events in one place, navigate to Communication Tools / Calendar. You can also see your upcoming Events on the Home / Agenda. As an Admin, you also have the abilitiy to view the calendars of up to five Staff users at a time.